Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy Pictures

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy Pictures

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy Pictures

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy Pictures

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy Pictures

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy Pictures

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy Pictures

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy Pictures

Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a herding breed is intelligent, but "Pems," as they are sometimes called, make a very good companion and family dog as well. They are people-oriented and want to be part of family life. Playful, gentle and friendly, they are great with young kids who are polite, though they may try to herd them by nipping at their heels. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is so smart, and is a quick learner, he is in need of a job to do. This is why they really thrive on farms. However, if given the proper amount of exercise (and they need a lot), they can live anywhere. They are the kind that are really versatile. While many of them are working on the farm, there is just as much of a Pems serve as dog therapy, and appear in the agility ring. Pembroke Welsh Corgi are usually very protective, and very vocal, so they make great watchdogs. But be prepared: sometimes they want to skin just to amuse themselves. They love to go for walks, and generally curious. They are always eager to explore new places and the smell. They are sensitive and in harmony with their human, very sensitive to their moods, and has been known to try to "entertain" the owner of sulky. In fact, many owners of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi claim their dogs have a sense of humor. Pem likes to pretend she is a lapdog. They delight in the household: playful, sensitive, and rarely damaging. They are easy to housetrain.

Maltese Puppy Pictures and Information

Maltese Puppy Pictures

Maltese Puppy Pictures

Maltese Puppy Pictures

Maltese Puppy Pictures

Maltese Puppy Pictures

Maltese Puppy Pictures

Maltese Puppy Pictures and Information

Maltese is the best friend and accessories, all in one. They will definitely attract the attention of everyone you meet. Maltese is an ideal companion, because they are so gentle and affectionate. They are sensitive and perceptive and likes to cuddle. They will want to be at your side at all times, and will insist to go with you wherever you go. They love to go for walks and rides. Small dogs are cute in this lively, fun and entertaining. Those who have no idea how small they are, and they are afraid. That's why they need you to protect them. They will emit an alarm when someone's at your door, but as soon as you invite that somebody in, the Act is over. Kids love Malta, but because they are so small, they are easily harmed by well-meaning toddler who thinks he just discovered the best stuffed animal world. For this reason, many breeders will not let go of the Maltese home with children under the age of 7. They get along well with other dogs and pets. Malta is a faithful companions with an infectious zest for life.

Great Dane Puppy Pictures

Great Dane Puppy Pictures

Great Dane Puppy Pictures

Great Dane Puppy Pictures

Great Dane Puppy Pictures

Great Dane Puppy Pictures

Great Dane Puppy Pictures

Known as the "gentle giant" and "King of the dogs", the Great Dane was originally raised as a hunting dog but now raised as a companion dog. And he makes a good. He is a gentle, friendly, docile, peaceful, and really, really big dogs. He is very loyal to their owners, especially children. However, the six-month old Great Dane puppy will be greater than a six year old child, so parents need to be careful that no one accidentally get pinched. But Great Dane people-oriented and committed to their fun. They are fun, and will need to be run every day, but they only moderate exercise needs. They also like to sleep with you, and will take over your sofa. They might as well go steal food from the table before you wake up. They make good watchdogs, and are often protected against foreigners, but in General, they do not bark much. They get along with other animals. They are trainable and do well in the rings competition. They also quickly housetrain. (I know, thank God, right?) So, if you are looking for a dog who honestly believe he is part of the family ... If you are looking for a gentle giant to have in your home ... to be able to sit down and look you in the eye at the dinner table ... If you are looking for a peaceful, loyal companion who loves her family and home, then Great Dane may be for you.